Frequently Asked Questions

Who can get books from this library

Persons who due to blindness, weak eyesight or any other disability cannot read the standard print can get books from this library. They need to provide their disability certificate at the time of applying for membership. Their disability certificate may be validated by the library before approving membership.

Note that persons without disabilities are not entitled to use the books downloaded from Sugamya Pustakalaya. Sharing or circulation of content downloaded from Sugamya Pustakalaya is prohibited and may lead to legal penalties.


Which formats can be downloaded

The Sugamya Pustakalaya has books in accessible formats. These include DAISY audio, DAISY full text, EPUB, Word format (DOC/DOCX), HTML, BRF (Braille ready files), Text and RTF.(Braille ready files), Text and RTF.

Who provides the books?

Sugamya Pustakalaya accumulates books from different sources. It gets books from organizations and libraries working for the blind. These organizations have been converting print books into accessible formats like audio and Braille. Bookshare, the world's largest online library for the print disabled is a major contributor of books to Sugamya Pustakalaya. Publishers including education boards of different states can also contribute accessible versions of their books to Sugamya Pustakalaya.    


How to read the downloaded books

To read the downloaded books you will require either a software or hardware device capable of opening the downloaded file format. For example, if you download a book in DAISY format, you can use a DAISY reader application on any computer, tablet or mobile phone. You can also use any of the dedicated hardware Daisy Readers available in the market.

To know more please see the Tools section on DFI website.


How many books are available

The number of books on Sugamya Pustakalaya increases on a daily basis as more and more books is contributed by libraries and publishers. The total number of books is displayed on the home page. In addition to this number note that hundreds of thousands of books are available though from Bookshare on Sugamya Pustakalaya.

Books of which languages are available

Sugamya Pustakalaya is accumulating books from all over India. As such the number of languages is always on the increase. The total number of languages in which books are currently available is displayed on the Home page.  


Are school and college text books available

Yes. Books used by different schools and universities are available on Sugamya Pustakalaya in accessible formats. Please browse the catalogue using "Text Books" option or just search for your required titles.  


Can I share the downloaded books

The books downloaded from Sugamya Pustakalaya must not be shared with anyone including other persons with disabilities. All the books on this library are being provided under a special arrangement in the copyright law which prohibits further distribution of books.


If two or more print disabled students require the same book, then copies of the book should be created using the Sugamya Pustakalaya Offline Tool. If this cannot be done, then the book should be downloaded for each student from his/her account on Sugamya Pustakalaya.


Note that each book downloaded from Sugamya Pustakalaya contains a digital watermark. If the book is distributed to others or shared on the internet, the details of the member can be detected easily by the Sugamya Pustakalaya and will invite closure of the user account and legal proceedings.


What do I have to pay to get books?

The books on Sugamya Pustakalaya are free of cost. No money needs to be paid to download any book.However, The DAISY Forum of India and its member organizations may charge a fee for membership of the Library.  

I cannot download big files, can I still get books from this library.

Sugamya Pustakalaya has provision for offline distribution of books. After having found the book you want, click the "Request offline" button. This request will go to the librarian of the DFI organization of whom you are a member. The Librarian will download the book for you and deliver it to you by hand or post as desired.


Organizations can also take book requests from members by phone or personal visit. In such cases the librarian will need to record the book distribution details in the Offline mark-up tool available with them.