Sh. Balbir Raj Sondhi Library Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Jalandhar Punjab Library

KMV Library is well equipped and managed by experienced staff. It houses 80,000 books and 111 periodicals, national and international. In addition to that, the library subscribed online e-journals under UGCINFONET Digital Library Consortium with different publications with full downloading facility. Library has Various Technical and non-technical CDs and VCDs. It has a computerized data access system. The Library spread over 1327.37 Sq m area.

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Contact Information

Country : India

State : Punjab

City : Jalandhar

Address : Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

ZipCode : 144004

Contact Number : 8872441278

Website :